Sunday, January 4, 2009


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year?

I'm so nice right? yea yea yea... I know I'm really late bout wishing everyone, accept the fact that you're reading my blog, and its time you play by my rules, I am really absent minded in lotsa things, dont believe? ask Paul or some other close friends of mine, they'll have stories to tell... so yea, don't complain...

Been posted to gynae ward for past three weeks, just started my obstetrics posting, super boring and on top of that, I had a SPLENDID time in the ward today!!! WEEE.... I'm soooo excited bout telling you this... you see, today was my first day at the obs ward, and surprisingly enough, we had two classes, one by dr Kavitha and another one was by the hospital specialist ( i wish to tell who he is, but then after thinking twice, its better not to mention his name..haha)

The best class I have ever had since my 2nd semester in the hospital... I dont know that doctor doesnt speak the human language or what, but then what irritated me was that I totally couldnt hear a thing from him!!! seriously, that really bugged me and I had to stand in front of him, pretending that I was listening to him and acting as though I understand a single word outta his mouth... wth... if he really has some problems with his vocal cords, I suggest we ought to buy him a mic or something so that he can speak up...

I know I'm just being the regular gossiper... but hey, I wasnt the only who got really fed up, others were too, and besides, he made us stay back till 12.30 while the others went back WAY earlier than us... its totally unfair to us right?

Perhaps, I'm just having my PMS, no wait! Its impossible, or maybe I'm just experiencing an episode of BITCH-FIT


Bedside exam is way too near but I'm still not putting in effort yet... thats the way it is!!! haha