Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Losing My Tummy Fats 1

Well, I was right about myself...

I actually have a tiny lil'task to do, that is to lose tummy fats and also to lose those flabs around my arms!!!

Sad to say, yesterday was more like the first time of me doing some jogs in like a years time!!!

Geeshh... can you imagine how unhealthy life I was living in previously with all that carbs entering into my mouth and then accumulating around my arms and abdomen??!!! Oh gosh... I better be sure to be consistent in this so-called losing fat programme of mine...

Eating right -

  • get yourself commited to healthy eating habits, split your previous 3meals a day to a 6meals a day plan. Of course, by doing so, you will also have to switch to a smaller portion of food intake.

  • If possible, cut down on those carbs-rich food like ice cream, snacks and so forth... Your conscience knows what's best for your body, i guess?

  • Try to switch to whole grain and also brown rice instead of white rice

  • Eat more fruits and cut down on those diabetic-fied soda drinks.... unless you're unhappy with life and would like to end it PEACEFULLY by making yourself diabetic... haha

Comment to note:

I admit that eating right has always been a part of this losing fat programme, which I consider it as something that bores me to death! I mean, I'm still young and living the life I am quite satisfied with, yet if eating right means getting on with a healthy diet programme, it is equivalent to killing oneself!

Seriously, who wants to eat right when you can have all that junkfood all to yourself without mommy nagging about your unhealthy eating habits huh?!!

Cardio Exercise-

  • Tell me, when was the last time you did some cardio exercise? Jogs are seriously pretty good for a proper cardio exercise in a super unexpensive way

  • And if you ain't considering it to be on your list-to-do, then try going for some fast pace walk down the park

  • But if you're love hitting the gym, try the threadmill, or the elliptical trainers. And when you get bored of these, try out the stationary bikes

  • You're doing this knowing that cardio exercises can help to increase heart rate and it also helps your heart to pump better, therefore better stroke volume and increase in your body metabolism

  • To sum it up, it helps to burn up the calories and aids in losing body weight

  • However as for people like me who don't have that much of a stamina, you can actually try jogging for 5 mins, then sprint for 2mins, then jog again for 5mins and this goes on till you reach the threshold of your strength capacity

  • (which simply means try to keep it less than an hour.. HAH! and you think its easy???

Comment to note:

Yea right, as though I'm soooo gonna stick to this plan. How I can possibly take this shit seriously??? I don't even have time to sleep and yet I'm talking bout some cardio exercises???!!! Pfftttt... I must be kidding myself.... Okay, maybe I will try to sleep less and perhaps do some jogs or you can even call it walks for 3times a week.

Abdominal Exercise -
  • Basically your ab is divided into three component: upper abs, lower abs and yoru oblique muscles

  • Each component has its own different exercise

1. Best upper abs exercise: Basic Crunch

2. Best lower abs exercise: Reverse Crunch

3. Best obliques exercise: Oblique Crunch

Comments to note:

To tell you the truth, I got no comments about this, I haven't even try it out myself, so I will only say something after I done each and every of this abs workout. So far, I've done only the basic crunches larrr... Convince yourself that you do this because you wanna tone your abdominal muscles and would love to see a linea alba across your upper abs, wouldn't it be nice if my linea alba isn't being covered up by my stubborn fat? And don't you hate it when your stomach bloats up everytime after you take your meal? Thats why you need to tone up your muscles straightaway!!!!