Saturday, July 11, 2009


sorry for the long hiatus ... finally have completed my 3rd year! THough didn't pass my exams with first class honors, but its ok... cos noone ever give a crap about how well you do in medicine! As long as you pass, then you're considered OKAY....

No, i wasn't refraining myself from blogging, I was basically soooo busy till i had very little time to sleep during study week. The only thing that I enjoyed doing during exam period was online shopping.. If you're a girl, you would definitely wanna consider trying it out. however, if you're not careful, you'll probably waste a shit load of money on a shitty load of unnecessary stuffs... For me, its just another stress-releasing activity. For now, I'm sooo broke that I can't crap money outta my ass anymore.. :( (Esp during this district posting of mine)

The trip to Redang with my high school buddies was a fun one, though we weren't as crazy as my friend's imu batchmates, yet their company was seriously much more worth it. We all haven't been able to meet up and all because of different class schedules and more... Thank God we all managed to put aside those stupid hindrances and go for the trip.

I'm just so lazy to blog...

Wat i really want to say is that... All the best Chui Yen, hope you'll have fun studying in Liverpool.. PLease say hi to Gerrard and Torres for me... we all will definitely miss you, and hope that you will return to msia every year for the love of your loved ones... haha