Saturday, February 28, 2009

Paul's Big Day

P/S: People, please do not puke when you read this post. This was written due to a surge of my GAY hormones and so I HAD to blog bout this birthday girl...

So, the truth is, it isn't the real me who is blogging at the moment. I'm just being gay... and it won't be the last time, of course...

First and foremost, would really like to wish Pauleen a belated birthday and yea... hahaha... seeing that her funny sitting-on-the-floor pose somehow turns out to be quite good :P

Anyways, thats not how she usually looks like and she doesn't usually sits on the floor even though some of our 'evil' friends regard her as 'kakak'.

So, last tuesday was her birthday, and we didn't get the chance to throw her a proper birthday party because of the not-so-well organized exam period, but we still managed to pull off a birthday song, a mock birthday sponge cake and most importantly, a mock gift, which turned out to be a toilet bowl brush. Seriously, these jokes are getting lamer, people.... Maybe we should just switch to the classic way, throwing eggs and tomato sauce at the birthday girl/boy!!! WWOOOOO... and sadly I don't have the pics taken on that day, but if i do, I would really like to show off my great skills in photography hahaha...

So... Waalaaa.... The 'kakak-fied' Pauleen being transform into some medical student with her NEW top... :P

Bet she must be soooo happy that I'm blogging about her and her new pretty top... hahahaha

Yeap and there she is, celebrated her birthday at a steamboat and barbeque restaurant in Penang, was pretty cheap with the eat-all-you-can policy. And the food was really worth the money (I mean, even if its not, I wouldn't want to make myself sound like a meanie right?) lol...

We spent the entire night eating, eating and eating until Gloria, our regular photographer in charged couldn't be bothered to take out her camera and snap pics. Everyone was getting down seriously with the food. Well, in terms of the taste, I have got nothing much to say cos I hardly complain about my food, especially when I'm in a good mood... :)

ANd after all that eating and loading ourselves with crap just when almost everyone were leaving for home except us, we started taking out our mobile phones aND camera to snap pics...

Just when she wasn't noticing, they took out her birthday cake and sang a proper birthday song with proper birthday present. hhaahahaha.... I bet she must have been pretty surprised with her gift and ahemmmm.... I won't elaborate much about the gift, its between her and everyone else in semeling... thats our secret... :P

Last but not least, took a funny pic of'em acting like morons.. haha.. Okay, maybe that was a lil' too harsh, or maybe... INSANE PEOPLE??? Doesn't that sound much more better?

Again, Happy belated birthday Pauleen and I had fun staying at your place and studying with you and gloria and mark... Love you guys even though I might sometimes be a nuisance hehehehe


so long my buggersssss